Why Didn’t You Rescue A Dog?

Why didn’t you rescue?

I didn’t “rescue” because I wanted to get the ideal pet dog for my family. After months of research we found the ideal pet dog for us through a local breeder.

This has nothing to make with choosing to “buy” vs. “rescue.”

It is about finding the ideal pet dog for us and meeting our side of the deal by supplying that pet dog with the best home we can.

Adopting a pet dog is a terrific way to go. That’s why I have three “hand me down” pets already.

There are likely dozens of “rescue” dogs out there that could have been a good fit for us at this time. Our puppy will also be a good fit, and in our case it’s the ideal choice.

It’s simply about finding the ideal dog. Aia este.

Yet, of course, it’s complicated.

We spent years researching all options, meeting different rescued lab and shepherd mixes, going over getting a malinois from an old friend & client, emailing breeders.

Nothing felt right. I could not commit to any of these other dogs. I’m not sure why.

I kept coming back to these weims.

Some decisions just feel right, and this is one of them.

“I was hoping you would rescue,” one woman wrote on my blog.

She indicated it from the heart, out of her great love for dogs. She indicated no harm.

I’ll be honest, these kinds of comments bother me.

That someone would turn such an important, personal decision into a black-and-white moral issue. That her decision must also be my decision.

It’s ideal up there with:

“When are you having kids?” (Who said I was?)

And, “Why didn’t you take your husband’s name?” (Why didn’t he take mine?)

But I can either whine about the rescue question or I can show people about choosing and raising a pet dog responsibly.

Here’s a post on why I personally appreciate our breeder: CLICK HERE.

I love my three hand-me-down pets. I don’t call them rescues, but they are all adopted. I’m so thankful and lucky their three lives crossed with mine at the right times. Beamer, Scout and Ace are so best for me in their own ways. They are loved.

Our little puppy will be “perfect” and loved very much as well.

This is why I don’t ask a pet dog lover why she didn’t rescue.

I say, “Hi, what a nice dog.”

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Reasons to get a pet dog vs. rescue a dog

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