Human-Style Veterinary Care: My Dog’s Experience

When my canine Baxter was sick, I wished that he could tell me what was wrong. “Doare? Ce simti?”

Unfortunately, he couldn’t answer me.

But I feel we got as close as possible to the answer through a consultation at a veterinary medical facility that takes the human model of care and translates it to animals.

Our previous veterinary experience had been, in my opinion, pretty typical. Yearly check-ups, vaccinations, a teeth cleaning and some stitches for an injury.

Our local vet clinic is common with its single waiting room, exam rooms, surgery rooms, a recovery/kennel area and some outdoor space. The staff do x-rays, blood and urine tests, surgeries, examinations and prescriptions.

The team there has always been kind, well-informed and conscientious. but as Baxter’s disease remained a mystery, they were limited.

Image courtesy of animal health Partners

So, our local vet referred us to a veterinary specialty medical facility called animal health Partners in Toronto. We hoped that their expertise and diagnostic abilities would help us find an answer of what was happening.

Veterinary specialty medical facility – animal health Partners

As I looked up animal health Partners online, I felt like we were going to the best place for us.

I had known that human-style animal care existed, but I had never experienced it, and I was right away blown away.

The specialties of the vets, the technology available and the procedures they provided were equal to or beyond that of human hospitals! There were much more than 20 vets on staff. They focused on decreasing stress, worry and pain. There was a lab and pharmacist onsite.

They had departments for:

Medicina interna
imagistica medicala
interventie chirurgicala
an ICU
24/7 emergency services

Here is a video showing much more about animal health Partners:

Even the design is thoughtful. The walls are painted yellow, blue and grey, colours dogs can see. There are multiple waiting areas and lounges for clients, and separate waiting areas for dogs and cats. animal health Partners only treats dogs and cats, and their clientele is about 70 percent dogs and 30 percent cats.

Our appointment was with internal medicine. This department focuses on gastrointestinal, renal, immune-mediated, urinary, infectious, hepatic, and respiratory conditions.

Our regular vet had offered all of Baxter’s medical records in advance. I then had a comprehensive intake conversation with one of the technicians where I went over everything that had been happening, what I’d observed, what we’d done, and what my own opinions were.

My canine Baxter (at home)

The staff seemed to want as much information as possible. I never felt rushed or intimidated. They made me feel comfortable and confident that they had Baxter’s best interest at heart.

Ultrasound for my canine Baxter

My big wish for our appointment was an ultrasound. Our family vet had recommended that as the next step for Bax, but it wasn’t something they were able to carry out at our clinic.

An ultrasound was going to be part of our appointment—in fact, it seemed to be a conventional part of many internal medicine appointments. and if we needed much more assessments, animal health Partners also had CT, MRI, endoscopic and various other imaging options.

Despite all of the tools available to the vets, Baxter’s diagnosis was still inconclusive after his appointment with internal medicine. They also discovered neurological symptoms, which led the internal medicine vet to speak with with the neurological department.

Image courtesy of animal health Partners

Having all of this expertise available in one place was very helpful. I felt like they were taking a look at Baxter’s case from multiple perspectives and were committed to finding an answer for us.

Neurology is one of the specialties of animal health Partners. They have advanced imaging capabilities that rival those of numerous hospitals, including high-field MRI (3 Tesla) and 32-slice CT.

They are able to diagnose and treat:

movement disorders
balance issues
and cognitive changes

Image courtesy of animal health Partners

Ultimately, Baxter’s condition had worsened so much that I chose not to put him through even more tests. but the vets still supported me, providing guidance over the phone and by email. They asked me to describe what was happeningși trimiteți videoclipuri, astfel încât ei să-și poată vedea comportamentul în sine.

Costul îngrijirii la un spital de specialitate veterinară

Îngrijirea VET este scumpă. O clinică de specialitate ca partenerii de sănătate animală, cu testele, echipamentele și procedurile sale specializate este foarte scumpă. M-am gândit la costuri înainte de timp și știam că mă întorc să petrec aproximativ 1.000 de dolari. La sfârșitul zilei, după ce ați optat la teste suplimentare și umplerea unei prescripții, am plătit aproape de 1.500 de dolari.

Imagine de amabilitate a partenerilor de sănătate animală

Îmi dau seama că nu toată lumea are acces la o clinică ca partenerii de sănătate animală, indiferent dacă nu este disponibilă în zona dvs. sau nu este accesibilă pentru dvs.

Când animalul dvs. de companie este bolnav și nu vă poate spune ce este greșit, doriți cele mai bune opțiuni de diagnosticare posibile și simt că acesta este un beneficiu major pe care clinicile în stilul omului, cum ar fi partenerii de sănătate animală.

Partenerii de sănătate animală este tipul de loc în care sperați că nu trebuie să mergeți niciodată. Dar, când am avut nevoie de ea, eram recunoscător că este acolo.

Imagine de amabilitate a partenerilor de sănătate animală

Ce asistență medicală de specialitate ați experimentat cu animalul dvs. de companie?

Julia Preston scrie pentru acea mutt despre comportamentul și antrenamentul canin, câinii de lucru și viața pe ferma ei din Ontario, Canada. Are un amestec dulce dulce, numit Baxter. Ea este, de asemenea, un blogger acasă pe 129 de acri, unde scrie despre aventurile ei de renovare a țării și DIY.

Postări asemănatoare:

Trebuie să fiu acolo când canina mea este eutanasiată?
Ajutându-vă copilul să înțeleagă moartea unui câine
Nu-ți pare rău pentru câinele meu vechi
Cât de mult ar trebui să-i petrec pe facturile VET ale câinelui meu?

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